Waves of Change:

Tiki Boat Boston's Environmental Initiatives

Amidst the challenges global climate change presents, people and businesses are first presented with a choice. Ignore the problem? Hope it fixes itself? Or act?

At Tiki Boat Boston we believe in evolving our business practices to protect our marine ecosystem and affect positive environmental change. So, let’s talk about the initiatives we’ve embraced, as well as the things we can all be doing.

The Urgency of Climate Action: A Collective Responsibility

Climate change is not a distant +storm on the horizon; but a rising tide that affects us today.+ Future generations rely upon us + to act as responsible environmental stewards, and as business in the Boston Harbor community, we recognize the importance and urgency of acting now. So, while challenges arise, solutions start with a mindset that goes beyond profit margins — and ends with positive action that drives sustainability and respect for our environment.

1. Navigating the Seas Responsibly: Fuel Efficiency and Conscious Driving

At Tiki Boat Boston, we’ve set sail towards a greener horizon by prioritizing fuel efficiency. Through mindful driving techniques and the use of fuel-efficient engines, we’re reducing our carbon wake and ensuring that every cruise leaves the lightest ecological footprint possible.

2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Simple Sustainability

A clean harbor is a happy harbor. We’ve launched a ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ campaign to ensure that every plastic cup, glass bottle, and piece of waste finds a second life. Tiki Boat Boston now recycles all plastic, glass, and other recyclable materials. By reducing the amount of waste we generate, we’re creating a ripple effect of positive change in our local ecosystem.

3. Litter-Free Waves: Help Keep our Oceans Clean

To preserve the beauty of Boston Harbor, we’re committed to keeping our boats, docks, and harbor litter-free. Littering is not just bad form; it’s a threat to marine life and the delicate balance of our marine ecosystem. Through regular company clean-up initiatives and a zero tolerance policy for littering, we are dedicated to keeping our oceans clean.

4. Education for a Sustainable Tomorrow: Spreading the Word

Knowledge is power. And Tiki Boat Boston is dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues, both among our team and our valued guests. By sharing knowledge and promoting eco-friendly practices, we hope to inspire others to make a positive difference in their communities. Check out our blog or Instagram for more sustainable best practices.

Navigating the Future of Climate Change: One Small Step at a Time

As we continue to embrace new sustainable business practices, we extend an invitation to businesses and guests alike to share eco-friendly initiatives with us. We recognize that small changes can have big impacts so let’s work together to preserve the natural and cultural resources of Boston Harbor for generations to come!

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From celebrating with friends to making new ones, discover stories and lasting memories made aboard Tiki Boat Boston.

We are a family-owned business with deep roots in both Boston and the Cook Islands, blending the warm hospitality of the islands with the vibrant spirit of Boston.

Phone: (617) 209-1999
Email: info@tikiboatboston.com
Address: 60 Rowes Wharf, Boston, MA 02110


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